We all were disturbed by the pictures running for over 60 Hours on the news Channel. The news was the Attack on the Financial Capital of India. The number of Terrorist said to be between 1-12 as per the government statement. The number of People Dead 195 approx in which 22 Foreigners died and around 325 people injured. But most important aspect is i felt that we all Stupid Common Men of India are living DOGS LIFE. Know why? ... It is because the 16 Soilders who died protecting us are given title of the 'Shaheed' which they deserve. The fidayeens who came here to attack Mumbai would be called Shaheed by Jehadis - (i dont feel that they are shaheed) but since terrorism is an undeclared war .. some respect for the opponents too. But what about the STUPID COMMON MAN who died in this encounter.. they are not Shaheeds -- neither they will be remembered for giving up their lives. they will be forgotten by the passage of time and then one more such incident will happen and the list wil...